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Group Interview: The Complete Guide

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Many people around the world find the idea of a group interview intimidating. However, it doesn’t always have to be such a menace.

There are quite a few ways to help you get ready for the meeting. If you’re interested in finding out more about group interviews, then you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, we’ll take a look at why companies prefer this variety. We’ll also cover how to prepare and the follow-up process.

What Is a Group Interview?

Group evaluations are a type of interview that involves at least three people. There are a couple of different versions of these meetings.

The first type includes one interviewer and a minimum of two applicants. Each one of the candidates will get a chance to answer questions and display their skills.

As for the second variety, it involves a group of judges and a single applicant. We call this version a panel interview.

During that, each one of the multiple interviewers will get to examine the candidate. Then the panel will have to make a collective decision.

In our guide, we’ll mostly focus on the first type.

Why Employers Use Group Interviews

The main reason companies use group interviews is to save time. With hundreds of applicants, it can be tricky to meet everyone.

So, to make the process a little more efficient, they’ll interview people together.

In addition, group meetings are an excellent way to test a job seeker’s ability to work in a team. The interviewer will look at how applicants interact with others.

Candidates will need to display leadership skills and maybe even their communication capabilities.

This allows the interviewer to compare applicants on the spot.

Because of how speedy this process can be, group meetings are one of the most popular types of interviews.

What Usually Happens in a Group Interview?

There are a few different formats that group job interviews can follow.

Typically, all meetings will start with a short ice-breaker. The interviewer will ask all the applicants to introduce themselves.

Then, the questioning can begin. Most of the time, the examiner will start by asking a couple of group queries.

These can help differentiate between the candidates. After that, the interviewer will move on to individual questions.

Finally, at the end of the meeting, each applicant will get a chance to ask any questions of their own.

Why Are Group Interview Questions Important?

A group interview question can help reveal a few traits.

For starters, they’ll help highlight the individual candidate that’s best for the job. This makes the interviewer’s decision much clearer and simpler.

Other than that, the discussions are a great tool to gauge the applicants’ behavior. They’re an excellent way to see how multiple candidates will fit into the company culture.

Group meetings also make introducing applicants to other employees a breeze.

Group Interview Advantages and Disadvantages

With the basics out of the way, we can jump into the advantages and disadvantages of group meetings.

What Are the Advantages of Group Interviews?

Sitting in a waiting room full of your competitors doesn’t sound like a fun afternoon. However, there are a few key benefits to the process.

For instance, after a couple of minutes together, you can start to size up the competition. All the applicants will get to know each other, and may even help one another.

This will mean you get to relax a little before you go into the interview.

In addition, you’ll have the opportunity to figure out how to stand out from the crowd.

What Are the Disadvantages of Group Interviews?

One of the most significant drawbacks of these interviews is stress. Having to display your interpersonal skills in front of a group may cause anxiety.

Besides that, the competition aspect may be too challenging. That’s because some applicants have a hard time pulling focus.

They’ll struggle with making their personalities stand out from the group.

Plus, with multiple candidates, there will be less time focused on each one.

What to Expect in a Group Interview

While group job interviews can vary greatly, there are a few aspects that are usually the same.

For starters, expect to wait for quite a while. Even if you start the meeting on time, you’ll need to give everyone in the room a chance to speak.

Other than that, you’ll spend most of your time answering questions. Here are a couple of examples of what they may look like.

  • Which of these fellow candidates would you hire and why?
  • Why do you think you’re the best fit?
  • What skills do you think are the most important to bring to this position?

At first glance, these questions may seem complicated, but that’s not the case. These open-ended queries usually don’t have a single correct answer.

Instead, the interviewer will assess your ability to handle yourself under stress. So, give yourself plenty of time to think the answers through before you reply.

How Do You Prepare for a Group Interview?

Before you walk into an interview, it’s crucial that you prepare well. So, to help you out, here are a couple of group interview tips that you can try out.

Start by researching the company and the interviewers. You can find some information online, but it’s best to reach out to the human resources department.

The representatives there should be able to answer any queries you may have.

Besides that, practice answering questions concisely. There’s nothing worse than an applicant who doesn’t know how to share the floor with their competitors.

Once all of that is out of the way, you can turn your attention to your outfit. You’ll need to wear the right attire for the interview.

How to Introduce Yourself in a Group Interview

You should treat a group meeting exactly the same as a traditional interview. Start off by greeting everyone in the room with a smile and a firm handshake.

Then, wait until everyone takes their seats, and the interviewer begins the process.

At that point, you can share your name and some of your past work experiences. Avoid going into too much detail during the introduction.

You can also mention how you’d be a good fit for the position.

Other than that, it’s best to wait until the interviewer asks you a specific question.

How Long Does a Group Interview Take?

The duration of a group interview will depend on the format and the number of applicants. That means that some meetings can be as short as 30 minutes, while others last hours.

Ideally, it’s best to clear out at least three or four hours of your schedule for the event.

If that’s going to be a problem, reach out to the human resources department. They should be able to give you a ballpark figure for the duration of the interview.

How to Stand Out in a Group Interview

The key to a successful group interview is to stand out from the crowd. Let’s take a look at what you can do to make that happen.

First off, you always want to arrive early. This shows that you respect everyone’s time, including your own.

Then, once you make it to the interview, greet everyone there individually. Doing so will help break the ice and make you feel a tad more comfortable.

As you do that, make sure to speak confidently. Project your voice so the other candidates and interviewer can hear you clearly.

After that, while you wait for the interview, you want to listen to and interact with other candidates. This will give you a better idea of where you stand.

You may also pick up on a few tips that the other applicants are following.

Once the interview begins, you’ll want to start by answering first. You don’t have to do that for every question, but it’s a good idea to start with a bang.

Another good tip is to involve others in your answers. You can refer to a fellow job candidate or even the interviewer to make them feel seen and included.

What Happens After a Group Interview?

Right after a group interview, it’s important that you reach out to the interviewer. Send them a thank you email within the first 24 hours.

This will help the examiner remember you later on.

For the best results, be sure to mention a conversation you had during the meeting. That can show that you’re paying attention and are keen on getting the position.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is a Group Interview in Research?

A group interview serves the same function in both the hiring process and in research. However, in the latter, the questions tend to be a lot more personal.
Other than that, the meetings are identical.

Are Group Interviews a Red Flag?

Group interviews don’t have an inherently negative connotation. Although, there are a few markers that can signal a red flag.

For example, if there’s an excessive number of applicants. In that case, chances are the employers aren’t interested in every candidate.

Other than that, when a group interview takes too long, it can be a red flag. It means the hiring manager may be a bit indecisive.

Wrapping Up

If you’re going into a group interview, there are a few facts you should be aware of.

For starters, the meeting will typically involve several candidates and just one interviewer. This will make the process faster, but applicants are less likely to shine.

That’s why you should prepare for the examination sufficiently. Make sure to put together an introduction and greet everyone with a smile and a firm handshake.

Be sure to leave us a comment if you have any more interview questions.

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