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What to Do if You Hate Your Job

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Waking up every day, thinking to yourself that you hate your job isn’t an experience anyone wants to live.

Work is where you spend upwards of a third of your day five days a week, so realizing that you’re forced to spend that time in a toxic workplace isn’t ideal.

Is this a common experience?

If not, what can be done about it?

Is quitting the only option?

Let’s explore this further and find out what to do if you hate your job.

Is it Normal to Really Hate Your Job?

Most of us have days when we’re not that enthusiastic about going to work.

Whether it’s because of waking up early, commuting to work, or having to deal with colleagues, clients, or a bad boss.

That said, really hating your job to the point of being distracted by it, resulting in boredom at work isn’t normal and should be addressed.

This can prevent outcomes that aren’t good for you or the workplace.

What to Do If You Hate Your Job

Here are some actions to consider if you hate your job:

Reflect on Why You Hate Your Job

It could be due to being unfit for your current role due to your high qualifications, which is the definition of being underemployed.

It can also be long hours, workplace favoritism, and terrible pay.

On the other hand, it could be due to the job not being stimulating enough for you or putting you on a good career path.

Write down the reasons for your job dissatisfaction and see if they’re more about the job itself, or your own lack of motivation for it. This should help you figure out your next step.

Get Help

A study published by  the University of Manchester’s International Journal of Epidemiology shows a “bad” job affects your mental health worse than being unemployed.

This makes the job you hate a mental health risk.

Asking for professional help could be a complicated issue for some people.

There’s still some stigma around therapy or counseling.

Unfortunately, that can dissuade you from looking for someone, like a career coach or a therapist, to step in and sort the issue out with you.

Just know that suffering from a mental health issue like generalized anxiety disorder or depression can and does affect your perception of reality.

This could very well be the reason why you don’t enjoy your work, especially if you had enjoyed it before a traumatic event.

Weigh Your Options

Quitting a job you hate on the spot isn’t a luxury many people can afford.

That’s why you should probably explore your options and see which is the best route to take.

Having some savings to support you for a few months after you leave your job while you look for another isn’t a bad idea at all.

Moving to a part-time position while you look for another job is also a great way to give yourself some breathing space.

Should I Tell My Boss I Hate My Job?

The answer could be surprising to you, but yes, it’s preferable to tell your boss your feelings about your job.

This is important if they have the power to change what you hate about it, which could make your time at work so much better.

Learn how to explain what exactly bothers you about your job.

It could be a task that you loathe or the amount of stress from juggling responsibilities other than your own.

If the reason concerns a coworker, your boss might be able to step in and solve it.

That said, if you’re not sure what can resolve the situation, refrain from telling your boss because they just might get confused by your declaration.

Should You Quit a Job You Hate?

In an ideal world, the universal answer would be that you should quit the job you hate and pursue your passion.

However, this isn’t applicable to many people who would lose their financial security if they lose their sole income.

If you have a backup plan and you’ve figured out a way to stay afloat while you search for a new job, then quitting could be the best route to take.

How Long Should You Stay at a Job You Hate?

You should stay at a job you hate long enough till you’ve found a replacement.

Start applying for other jobs in the same field or working toward being certified in another field you’re passionate about.

If you have the means for it, you can quit right away.

This is the best option for those who know their situation can’t be improved, especially those who work at a dead-end job with little potential for job growth.

How to Stick With the Job You Hate

If you’ve weighed your options and found out there’s no way to leave right away, then learning to cope with the situation and make lemonade out of lemons is the way to go.

Here are some ways you can do just that:

Focus on Small Goals

The feeling of accomplishment can activate your brain’s reward system, giving you much-needed doses of the neurotransmitter Dopamine.

Start with small goals that you can make happen without much effort and watch the magic happen.

Make a Friend at Work

Interpersonal relationships have a way of easing bad situations.

If you find a like-minded coworker, strike up a friendship and you might find yourself looking forward to seeing them at work.

Take Breaks

Allowing your brain and body some rest between tasks can help you mitigate job stress.

Take breaks where you can unwind for a few minutes before getting back to work.

Talk to People You Trust

If you have friends or family outside of the workplace, this might be a good time to let out your frustrations.

Set Boundaries

Even though your boss might like you, you should be careful what they, or your coworkers, unload on you during work hours.

Set boundaries about the personal and professional to prevent office politics from getting tricky.

Practice Mindfulness and Gratitude

Mindfulness means staying in the moment and accepting it for what it is.

Gratitude helps you focus on the positives in your life.

Together, these can help you make the most of your job and shift your attitude toward it.

Focus on Work Life Balance

If you don’t have any hobbies or activities outside of work, it’s time to look for one.

Balancing your personal life with your job will shift your focus away from the job you hate and toward the things you love doing outside of it.

Adjust Your Perspective

Job is a huge part of your life, but it’s not all of it.

You should allow yourself to see it for what it is, which is a means to get money to live the life you want even if you’re not doing what you deem meaningful work.

Keeping that in mind can help you face job hatred with more openness.

Give it Time

If you’re new at your job and you find yourself hating it, it could just be your newbie nerves getting the best of you.

Give it time until you learn the ropes before you decide it’s not for you.

How to Quit the Job You Hate

If you decided that quitting is the best option for you, here’s a plan to leave with the least amount of damage possible:

Reflect on Why You Hate Your Job

As we mentioned before, knowing why you hate your job could help you prevent making the same mistakes in a new workplace.

Write down your grievances and give them the score they deserve in why you’re leaving.

Update Your Resume

If you haven’t touched your resume since being employed at your current job, it’s time to give it a facelift.

Update the years of experience, all the tasks you performed, and the accomplishments you made during your time at the job.

This should help you find something suitable.

Start Saving

If you don’t have another job to jump right into, it’s important to save up for a few months of potential unemployment.

Don’t just eyeball your costs, write them down and make sure you have enough to keep you afloat.

Start a Job Search

Look for a job opportunity in the same field as your current job or for a career change.

Leave no stone unturned, you might find your new job at an unexpected place!

Apply to New Jobs

Apply to anything on the job market that even vaguely matches your current position and qualifications.

Even if you don’t match the requirements to a T, you can still get accepted.

Quit Professionally

We all had our moments of pure rage, still, there are things that you should never say to a boss.

These include various curse words and graphic details of why you don’t want to see them again.

Stick with the notice policy of your current job and write a great resignation letter, you never know where you might see the same faces again!

Frequently Asked Questions

What If I Hate My Job But Need the Money?

If that’s your situation, then try working out a plan similar to the one we mentioned above so you can leave without facing homelessness or food insecurity.

Can Hating Your Job Make You Sick?

It’s possible for job stress to manifest as physical symptoms.

These include:
●     Weight loss or gain
●     Bloating, acid reflux, or abdominal cramps
●     Trouble sleeping
●     Weak immune system
●     Hypertension and heart palpitations
●     Back and joint pain

Wrapping Up

Knowing what to do if you hate your job can give you options where you see none.

You can either learn to live with the situation, making the job better for yourself, or decide to follow an escape plan to greener pastures.

So what do you think of the options we gave?

Do you hate your current job?

How are you coping with it?

Let us know in the comments below!

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